流速分布规律在横向声学多普勒流量测验系统中的应用------潘 杰,李书建,胡尊乐,汪 姗,胡斯玮,朱文杰,华 晨
流速分布规律在横向声学多普勒流量测验系统中的应用------潘 杰,李书建,胡尊乐,汪 姗,胡斯玮,朱文杰,华 晨
发布: 2021-11-10 20:13:03
潘 杰,李书建,胡尊乐,汪 姗,胡斯玮,朱文杰,华 晨
(江苏省水文水资源勘测局常州分局,江苏 常州213000)
摘 要:横向声学多普勒剖面流速仪(H-ADCP)因其测验的自动高效和信息传输的快捷在流量测验中得到广泛应用。针对现状代表流速选取存在水文物理含义不明的缺点,根据垂线流速分布理论模型,结合实测垂线流速资料,提出平原区不同类型河道指数、一元多项式流速分布模型,并实际应用于百渎口站H-ADCP测验系统的单断关系率定。应用结果表明:基于指数流速的分布模型能够用于H-ADCP层流速到垂线流速的转化,率定的单断关系精度可靠,为H-ADCP测流系统流速率定单断关系提供新的方法。
Application of laws of velocity distribution in transverse acoustic Doppler flow measurement system
PAN Jie, LI Shujian, HU Zunle, WANG Shan, HU Siwei,ZHU Wenjie, HUA Chen
(Changzhou Hydrology and Water Resources Exploratory Survey Office, Changzhou 213000, China)
Abstract: Horizontal-Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (H-ADCP) is widely used in flow measurement because of its automatic efficient measurement and fast information transmission. With regard to disadvantages of unclear hydrological and physical meanings of current representative velocity selection, a fitting model of flow velocity distribution in different types of rivers in plain area is proposed and applied , based on the theoretical model of vertical velocity distribution and the measured data of vertical velocity. The model is used in relationship calibration between point velocity and cross-section velocity of H-ADCP measuring system in Baidukou Station. Application results show that velocity distribution model, based on power exponential function and univariate polynomial function, can be applied to the conversion of H-ADCP laminar velocity to vertical velocity, and the accuracy of the single-break relationship is reliable, which can provide a new method for determining the point velocity and cross-section velocity relationship of H-ADCP flow measurement system.
Key words: velocity distribution, law, velocity conversion, Horizontal-Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (H-ADCP) , discharge measurement, relationship between point velocity and cross-section velocity, fitting, riverway in plain area.
版权所有:水利部南京水利水文自动化研究所 苏ICP备05086125号 中企动力 南京