大型水利枢纽泵站智能化技术研究------袁志波,高 兴,于洪亮
大型水利枢纽泵站智能化技术研究------袁志波,高 兴,于洪亮
发布: 2021-11-10 20:11:41
袁志波,高 兴,于洪亮
(江苏省江都水利工程管理处,江苏 扬州225200)
摘 要:目前我国泵站大多已建设自动化控制系统,实现数据采集和设备控制,但智能化的水平普遍不高,大多数仅仅实现将泵站开停机操作从开关柜前手动操作移至计算机屏幕前鼠标操作,忽视泵站的最大流量、定流量、经济、安全等运行的核心需求。新形势下现代科技和信息化技术的迅猛发展,借助智能化技术提升泵站的管理水平已成为必然趋势 。以江都水利枢纽为例构建泵站智能化技术应用体系,从数据研判和智能控制2个角度开展泵站智能化技术的研究,强化数据分析处理、优化调度、智能一键启停和设备管理等技术应用,实现泵站多角度数据分析、预测预警和安全运行的目标,进一步提升水利工程管理的智能化水平,推动大型水利枢纽泵站从传统的经验管理模式向现代化管理模式转变,具有广泛的推广价值。
Research on intelligent technology application in large water conservancy projects
YUAN Zhibo, GAO Xing, YU Hongliang
(Jiangdu Water Management Office of Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou 225200, China)
Abstact: At present, automatic control systems have been built in most of China’s pump stations to realize data acquisition and equipment control. However, for most pump stations, except that startup and shutdown of pumps have been shifted from manual operation before the switch cabinet to mouse operation before the computer, nothing is really intelligent. The essential need for automatic monitoring of maximum discharge, constant flow, economical and safe operation is not satisfied. As the rapid development of modern science including information technology, it is imperative to improve pump station management with the help of intelligent technology. This article assesses the implementation of Jiangdu water control project, an example of intelligent pump stations, from 2 aspects: data analysis and intelligent capability, highlighting its performance of data analysis and processing, optimized regulation, smart on-off operation and equipment maintenance. The station has fulfilled its expectation of multi-angle data analysis, prediction and early warning, safe operation, and intelligent management. Intelligent technology holds high value as it has been transforming pump stations from traditional management based on experience to modernized one.
Key words: intelligent technology; pump station; data study and judge; scheduling algorithm; intelligent control; large water conservancy project
版权所有:水利部南京水利水文自动化研究所 苏ICP备05086125号 中企动力 南京