全国水情信息交换系统升级完善优化设计—王 容,宫博亚 ,孔祥意
全国水情信息交换系统升级完善优化设计—王 容,宫博亚 ,孔祥意
发布: 2021-11-10 21:06:11
王 容,宫博亚 ,孔祥意
(水利部信息中心(水利部水文水资源监测预报中心),北京 100053)
摘 要:随着水文数据量的不断增加及业务的不断扩展,在数据安全与访问效率上,现有数据管理及服务模式已无法满足水文现代化发展的迫切需求,为提高数据库安全与性能,对数据库性能优化理论进行深入的研究和分析,并提出基于集群的优化方案,将单实例数据库升级到数据库集群。从对敏感数据与非敏感数据进行物理隔离,建设数据审计系统,搭建数据库集群,开发数据访问接口API等4个方面进行优化,分析集群部署环境的创建,故障转移群集搭建,并创建一个集群实例,对优化方案实施前后数据库的安全与性能进行对比,经过对比发现数据库的安全与性能提升明显,对于单实例数据库升级到集群系统有一定的借鉴作用。
Upgrade and optimization design of national hydro-regime information exchange system
WANG Rong , GONG Boya, KONG xiangyi
(Information Center(Hydrological Monitor and Forecast Center),the Ministry of Water Resources,
Beijing 100053,China)
Abstract: In order to improve the exchange timeliness of national hydro-regime information, aiming at the problems of data storage delay, statistical stagnation, system crash and so on in the hydro-regime information exchange system during peak period, the technologies and methods of multi-thread parallel processing, independent control of micro service, multi-dimensional file exchange statistics and so on are proposed for optimization design of the four core layer modules of system information sending, information receiving, statistical analysis and information monitoring. Based on the core module service miniaturization, the primary and secondary threads are reconstructed under each micro service, and some threads run in parallel. According to micro service and multi-dimensional thread, file exchange statistics mode is constructed, which reduces the direct interaction with database, so as to improve the efficiency of information sending, receiving, and statistical analysis, and the friendliness of management and maintenance. The two-year test shows that the hydro-regime information exchange system greatly improves the large amount of data exchange ability, significantly improves the efficiency of sending and warehousing, basically has no data delay during morning peak, and fully guarantees the hydro-regime information service.
Key words: hydro-regime information; data exchange; information system; upgrading and perfection; optimization design; nationwide

版权所有:水利部南京水利水文自动化研究所 苏ICP备05086125号 中企动力 南京