基于知识图谱和微服务的智慧水利一张图系统实现—张 焱, 肖 涵, 黄佳杰,朱从飞
基于知识图谱和微服务的智慧水利一张图系统实现—张 焱, 肖 涵, 黄佳杰,朱从飞
发布: 2021-11-10 21:03:46
张 焱,肖 涵,黄佳杰,朱从飞
(宁波市水利水电规划设计研究院有限公司,浙江 宁波315192)
摘 要:为解决传统水利信息化建设中存在的水利大数据外部难以整合,内部难以关联,以及数据资源难以复用等突出问题,同时提高信息化系统的稳定性、安全性和可拓展性,在介绍微服务架构和知识图谱概念及其应用情况的基础上,利用二者思想和技术上的特性,进行水利数据和业务的深度整合,并对地图和数据服务接口进行标准化处理,设计开发一种基于知识图谱技术和微服务架构的智慧水利一张图系统,架构覆盖数据源接入层、基础设施层、数据资源层、应用支撑层和业务支撑层五大层级,包含信息地图浏览、水利业务视角、数据维护、知识图谱数据检索等实用功能,实现水利多要素信息的多视角查询和基于GIS地图的一站式展示,与现有业务系统实现互联互通,简化水利业务流程,提高信息检索的便捷性和服务的复用性,并在多个水利相关信息化系统建设中发挥重要作用。
Implementation of intelligent water conservancy one map system based on knowledge graph and micro-services
ZHANG Yan, XIAO Han, HUANG Jiajie, ZHU Congfei
(Ningbo Water Conservancy & Hydropower Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd, Ningbo 315192, China)
Abstract: In order to solve the outstanding problems of water conservancy big data in the traditional water conservancy informatization construction, such as difficult external-integration, difficult internal-correlation, and difficult reusing data resources, also, in order to improve the stability, security and scalability of the informatization system, the intelligent water conservancy One map system based on knowledge graph and micro-services is designed and developed on the basis of introducing the micro service architecture and concept of knowledge map and its application situation. The characteristics of the two ideas and technologies are utilized to deeply integrate water conservancy data and business, and to standardize the interface of map and data service. The system architecture covers five levels: data source access layer, infrastructure layer, data resource layer, application support layer, and business support layer, including information map browsing, water conservancy business perspective, data maintenance, knowledge map data retrieval and other practical functions, which realizes multi-perspective query of water conservancy multi-element information and one-stop display based on GIS map. The system realizes interconnection with existing business systems, simplifies water conservancy business processes, improves the convenience of information retrieval and reusability of service, and plays an important role in the construction of multiple water conservancy related information systems.
Key words: micro-services; knowledge graph; intelligent water conservancy; one map

版权所有:水利部南京水利水文自动化研究所 苏ICP备05086125号 中企动力 南京