智慧水利在四川洪水预报和防洪调度中的应用------常高松,徐 翔,谢学成
智慧水利在四川洪水预报和防洪调度中的应用------常高松,徐 翔,谢学成
发布: 2021-11-10 20:31:49
常高松,徐 翔,谢学成
(四川省水文水资源勘测局,四川 成都 610036)
Application of smart water conservancy in flood forecast and flood control dispatching of Sichuan Province
CHANG Gaosong,XU Xiang,XIE Xuecheng
(Hydrological and Water Resources Survey Bureau of Sichuan Province, Chengdu 610036, China
Abstract: With the Ministry of Water Resources vigorously promoting construction of smart water conservancy, it has become an inevitable direction for the development of water conservancy industry in China. In order to explore the application effect of intelligent water conservancy in flood forecasting and flood control dispatching, this paper briefly describes the situation of flood and drought disaster prevention in Sichuan Province and the development status of forecasting and dispatching technology. Taking the construction of intelligent water conservancy in Sichuan Province as the starting point, this paper systematically introduces the general framework of intelligent water conservancy for flood and drought disaster prevention. The paper gives detailed expound on key points such as hydrological element perception, information storage and transmission, on-duty management, real-time water and rain monitoring, flood prevention situation analysis, forecast and dispatch, hydrological emergency analysis and hydro-regime service, of flood forecasting and flood control dispatching, focusing on the perception layer, support layer and application layer. Taking the process of heavy rainstorm and flood in Sichuan Province in 2020 as an example, this paper analyzes the accuracy of flood operation forecasting and the effect of peak-cutting and flood-detention by reservoir group dispatching as well as compares the economic benefit growth of flood control and disaster reduction in recent years. Results show that the intelligent hydraulic construction can not only bring greater benefit of flood control and disaster reduction but also greatly improve the level of hydrological monitoring automatization, real-time forecasting, forecasting and dispatching integration and analysis and evaluation intellectualization.
Key words: smart water conservancy, flood forecasting, reservoir dispatching
版权所有:水利部南京水利水文自动化研究所 苏ICP备05086125号 中企动力 南京