基于非关系型数据库的水文数据分析方法研究------余国倩,陶光毅,赵天宇,刘 冰
基于非关系型数据库的水文数据分析方法研究------余国倩,陶光毅,赵天宇,刘 冰
发布: 2021-11-10 20:16:06
余国倩1,陶光毅2,赵天宇3,刘 冰2
(1. 山东省水文局,山东 济南 250002;2. 山东国基光晔信息科技有限公司,山东 济南 250021;3. 南水北调东线山东干线有限责任公司,山东 济南 250019)
摘 要:针对水文结构化和非结构化数据中的文字信息分析,以及从分析结果直接调取原始数据进行溯源以验证数据的真实性,提出基于非关系型数据库的水文数据分析方法。将海量水文数据存储在 TRIP 非关系型数据库,搜索引擎集成在数据库,利用索引、中文自动分词、检索和统计分析功能,对水文数据中的数值、日期、时间、文字内容进行分析。对水文观测项目文字内容的分析,获得水文测站的水文观测项目分布;对长序列、全时段分钟降水数据的分析,获得降水变化特征;对单站单日降水量的分析,获得单站单日降水量的分布,读取数据库中降水自记纸图像文件并进行溯源。研究结果表明:在非关系型数据库存储海量水文结构化和非结构化数据的基础上,能够对海量水文数据进行分析和数据溯源,具有现实的应用价值。
Methodology of hydrologic data analysis based on non-relational database
YU Guoqian1,TAO Guangyi2,ZHAO Tianyu3,LIU Bing2
(1. Shandong Provincial Hydrology Bureau, Ji’nan 250002, China;
2. Shandong Guojiguangye Information Technology Co., Ji’nan 250021, China;
3. Shandong Main Line Co., Ltd., East Route Project of South-to-North Water Diversion), Ji’nan 250019, China)
Abstract:This article explains how to use non-relational database to analyze hydrologic data. By using the non-relational database, people can analyze text information of hydrologic data either structured or unstructured, and verify authenticity of these data by drawing them from the analysis results and tracing them to the source. Massive hydrologic data can be stored in the TRIP non-relational database with a search engine. Options of index, Chinese automatic segmentation, retrieval and statistical analysis help users analyze the numerical value, date, time and text contents of data. It analyze texts of observation items to get distribution of those items, analyze one-minute precipitation of all intervals in a long term to get variation characteristics of precipitation, analyzes one-day precipitation for a station to get precipitation pattern on that day and fetches files of precipitation recording in the database to verify data’s traceability. What’s revealed in this article is that the non-relational database, where hydrologic data, either structured or unstructured, can be massively stored, analyzed and verified their traceability, holds the potential for wide application.
Key words:hydrologic data; non-relational database; minute precipitation data; data analysis; data traceability
版权所有:水利部南京水利水文自动化研究所 苏ICP备05086125号 中企动力 南京