小型水库雨水情测报与工程安全监测标准化研究-许 浩,李越川,张 威
小型水库雨水情测报与工程安全监测标准化研究-许 浩,李越川,张 威
发布: 2021-12-30 18:15:31
许 浩1,李越川1,张 威2
(1.水利部建设管理与质量安全中心,北京 100038;
2.河海大学水利水电学院,江苏 南京210098 )
Study on standardization of rain & water forecast and engineering safety monitoring of small reservoirs
XU Hao1, LI Yuechuan1, ZHANG Wei2
(1. Construction Management and Quality Safety Center, Ministry of Water Resources, Beijing 100038, China;
2. College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)
Abstract: Large number, wide distribution, and the complex structure of dam structures, coupled with the lack of pertinence of existing relevant technical specifications, have resulted in different understandings of the rainwater regime and engineering safety monitoring of small reservoirs. In order to improve the standardization level of rainwater regime forecasting and engineering safety monitoring for small reservoirs, the characteristics of reservoirs such as reservoir capacity, upstream inflow, dam type, dam height, overflow and flood discharge facilities, etc. shall be fully considered, combined with the development of existing monitoring technology, according to the relevant development of small reservoirs in my country. Regulations and normative documents, combined with relevant technical specifications, propose standardization recommendations for rainwater regime monitoring and engineering safety monitoring of small reservoirs, starting with monitoring items and measuring point layout, instrument and equipment configuration, software functions and model development, according to the actual safety risks of the reservoir carry out the standardization research of small reservoirs, promote the compilation of relevant technical standards for small reservoirs in our country, refine the specific configuration and operation requirements, and provide a reference for the improvement and standardization of the small reservoir monitoring system.
Keywords: small reservoir; engineering safety; rain & water forecast; safety monitoring; standardization
版权所有:水利部南京水利水文自动化研究所 苏ICP备05086125号 中企动力 南京